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TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT Traffic laws may be enforced by all police officers; however, there are areas of concern such as school zones where we conduct extra patrols. You will find that the City of Blackfoot has very little tolerance on speeding in school zones. It is our goal to obtain self-compliance with traffic laws from our citizens to decrease traffic accidents as well as safety for pedestrians. The majority of our patrol units have radar units installed in them and during routine patrol are very effective in reducing over-all traffic speeds. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS If you are involved in an accident, you should do the following: 1. Check for injuries. 2. Assess extent of damage. 3. Determine the location of the accident (intersection, direction of travel, etc.) 5. Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any witnesses. One of the persons involved should call the police at 911 to report the accident. Be prepared to answer the following questions: 1. Is anyone hurt? 2. Are the vehicles operational? 3. Do any of the drivers appear to be intoxicated? 4. Do both drivers have a valid driver's license? 5. Is a driver unable or unwilling to show proof of financial responsibility (insurance)? In some cases of inclement weather, police officers will be unable to respond to the accident if there are no injuries and alcohol or drugs are not involved. You may be directed to file an accident report at the police department. Accidents with damage under $750.00 are considered an un-reportable accident by state law. Drivers are expected to exchange information at the scene. PRIVATE PROPERTY ACCIDENTS The Blackfoot Police Department does not investigate accidents occurring on private property (driveways, parking lots, etc.) unless the following circumstances exist: 1. Injury or fatality involved. 2. Hit-and-run. 3. Damage to public property. 4. Indications of alcohol or drugs involved. 5. Indication of reckless driving. MAKING THE ACCIDENT REPORT & INVESTIGATING THE SCENE Upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle accident, the officer will do the following: 1. Make sure the scene is safe. 2. Call an ambulance if someone needs medical attention 4. If a hit-and-run, relay information to the dispatcher so 5. Check for physical evidence. 6. Take a detailed report. 8. Give the drivers a case report number for the accident. 10. Answer drivers' questions. TRAFFIC TICKETS, PARKING TICKETS, & NONTRAFFIC TICKETS Traffic tickets and parking tickets (both city and county) will have the required court appearance date, time, and location printed in the center portion of the ticket. Some traffic offenses require an appearance in court while others may have provisions for a mail-in procedure. Check the rear portion of your ticket for instructions regarding a mail-in procedure. Failure to appear in court as required, or to mail in a fine, if applicable, could result in a warrant being issued for your arrest. Misdemeanor criminal offenses are charged on the same ticket form as traffic charges. Again, an appearance date will be noted in the center portion of the ticket. There are no mail-in provisions for criminal offenses, and the instructions on the rear of the ticket should be followed regarding required court appearance time and date. DRUNK DRIVING ENFORCEMENT The Blackfoot Police Department has maintained a "no tolerance" policy on drunk driving in the city. Police officers are very aware of the toll of needless deaths, injuries, and property damage inflicted annually by intoxicated or alcohol impaired drivers. Idaho law considers a driver with blood alcohol content over 0.08% driving under the influence. Persons under the age of 21 who are over .02% blood alcohol content are considered driving under the influence. When a police officer stops a suspected drunk driver, he asks the individual to submit to roadside tests of balance and motor skills. If the officer is convinced by his observations that the driver is, in fact, intoxicated, the individual is arrested, handcuffed, and searched for the safety of both the officer and the arrestee. The suspected drunk driver is advised that state law requires him to submit to a breath, urine or blood test to determine his blood alcohol content. If the individual refuses to submit to the offered test, the arresting officer completes a report requesting that the suspect's driver's license be suspended for noncompliance with the state's Expressed Consent Law. If tests and other evidence reveal that a driver is impaired or under the influence of alcohol (or drugs), he is issued a summons to appear in court or is placed in the Bingham County Jail. The drunk driver's vehicle may, at the discretion of the police officer, be released to a friend or companion, parked and locked at the arrest site, or impounded and towed for safekeeping. If the vehicle is impounded, the driver is responsible for paying tow and storage fees before it will be released from the impound facility. Being arrested for drunk driving is an expensive proposition. The only thing potentially more expensive is NOT being arrested while driving drunk and then inflicting death, injury, and damage on innocent others. ABANDONED VEHICLES The City of Blackfoot has an ordinance that does not allow “junk”, unregistered vehicles within the city limits or on the city streets. If a person is aware of a problem vehicle call the Blackfoot Police Department at 785-1235. |
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